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Welcome to Our Nam Hoa Chi Kung Tai Chi Website

Welcome to the first Nam Hoa Internal Arts Association website and we hope you enjoy it and let us know your suggestions for how it can better serve you.  Be sure to add this site to your bookmarks or favorites and visit often because new material is added frequently.  This site is viewable by the public. We are asking the Nam Hoa students to please use the registration address you recieved from your instructor. Registering gives you access to pages that are not available to the public.

Everyone is welcome to join our online community."  You will receive our quarterly newsletter when it comes out and other important timely information. It's free and we NEVER give up any personal information.  Join us as we explore the ancient moving meditation. 

There is quite a lot to look at here and what you choose to look at first may be determined by if you are already a Qigong or Tai Chi student with the Nam Hoa tradition.  If you are just exploring the possibility of joining a Chi Kung or Tai Chi class in your local area, you may want to visit the "What is Qigong and Tai Chi?" page first.  To learn more about the style of Qigong and Tai Chi that we practice, click on "Nam Hoa Traditions" page and enjoy reading about the legends of Tai Chi.  To learn more about the linage and instructors who teach Chi Kung and Tai Chi, be sure to visit the "About Our Tai Chi Master" page and the "About our Instructors" page. 

The Locations page will give you information on where we you can attend a class with a certified Nam Hoa instructor.

The Chi Reading page is where you will find the recommended reading list for your level of training.

A special thank you to Tom Wolf (Bending Tree Tai Chi) for his help in making this site possible and to Brett Casto (Blue Willow Tai Chi), one of our newest Tai Chi students, who is the webmaster for this site (yea!). 

If you have suggestions for this website, please contact me at my email addresss: jude@namhoa-internal-arts.com  or use the one of the discussion or ask a question formats. 

Special note for instructors- remember the instructor pages are not viewable by the students and public so you must login to see them.

Now off you go and enjoy the site....

Let your chi be free,
