
The Nam Hoa Temple of Internal Arts Association is a group of students and instructors practicing with Nam Hoa Qigong Tai Chi Master, Master Jim Scott-Behrends. There are instructors on all three coasts (four states). To learn more about the tradition, please view the page "Nam Hoa Tradition."

The instructors each have independent practices that "offer the teaching" in the Nam Hoa tradition. Some are individual instructors, while others have formed small groups, companies, or organizations.  All are deeply passionate about their own practice and about their committment to being guided by the lineage holder of the Nam Hoa tradition- Master Jim.

There are instructor programs available that are guided by either Master Jim, Master Jude, or Teacher Tom.

Members of the public interested in practicing the Nam Hoa tradition should see the "locations" page for contact information to specific instructors in one of the five states.

All inquires for the group, including for Mstr Jim, may contact Mstr Jude at jude@namhoa-internal-arts.com 

Mstr Jude may also be contacted by phone (no solicitations please) at 251-207-0007