Introduction to the Nam Hoa Meditation Program

There are several types of meditation taught inside the Nam Hoa Chi Kung Tai Chi classroom and in separate meditation courses.  The beginner student will experience a variety of types as they practice the moving meditation- Qigong and Tai Chi.  Your instructor will explain the different types and offer you the opportunity for guided instruction so that you can practice on your own. 

Sitting and standing meditation types are discussed and taught in the classroom as well.  Like a buffet, students enjoy picking the meditation type that they most connect with and developing a deeper understanding of the benefits of regular meditation. Written handouts can also aide the student in their quest to remember the different types of practices.  Training aides can also be helpful.  These are available when you join a meditation class or workshop and occassionally through your Qigong and Tai Chi class.

To find out more about the different styles of meditation taught in a class near you, please visit the "locations" section and connect to the instructor in your area.

What If I Don't Live Near a Nam Hoa Instructor?

There are two possibilities if you don't live near to a Nam Hoa instructor and cannot attend weekly classes.  One, you can consider a workshop opportunity where you bring the instructor to your area for a day long or less program.  If you have an interest in bringing an instructor to your area, please us the contact form on the "About" tab. Secondly, you could also purchase the meditation products and create a self-study program.  If this is your choice, please view our products page.