
Form Progression within the Nam Hoa System

The forms are tools to learn the principles of Qigong and Taiji. They are not the goals themselves, but enable us to learn the principles to use throughout our entire life. 1. Longevity Tree – To build an awareness that there is an Energy System within the body, and all around us. This energy system supports and is supported by the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, lymphatic, urinary, endocrine, digestive, immune, muscular, and skeletal systems. An introduction to basic principles of mind, body, breath, balance, the dan tien, integration, alignment, sung, etc.

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An insight gatha (poem) to Thich Nhat Hanh 


Morning rain has passed, a final echo of thunder

The garden path invites me, each step embraces the dark earth

My heart’s tension dissolves into the song of a goldfinch

Parting clouds reveal the vast sky


How wondrous is a drop of compassionate nectar

The path of mindfulness brings us back to our true home

The spring of love deeply penetrates thousands of hearts

On the open and spacious path ahead, the return journey is leisurely taken


In January 2012 Master Jim received an invitation to become a Dharma Teacher in the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. On March 17 he participated in a Lamp Transmission ceremony, at the Deer Park Monastery near Escondido, which was the culmination of the invitation. As part of the process he offered an insight gatha (poem) to Thich Nhat Hanh and he responded. 


Qigong Therapy

The work of a Qigong Therapist is to remove the blockages and to balance and circulate energy. Sounds simple enough but as usual I under estimated the depth of knowledge and the intensity of study required. But again, as usual, once the passion takes hold, I jump in head first, eyes closed. So for the last two years I have been traveling to North Carolina, Connecticut and New York State for various types of training leading to certification as a Qigong Therapist with the Qigong Institute of Rochester, NY.

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Tai Chi - An Ancient Practice for the Modern World

In the cool morning slow moving shapes greet the day with the timeless practice of Tai Chi. Their graceful movements evoke a sense of stillness, serenity, ease, and yet great power. The practice of Tai Chi has been practiced for hundreds of years. Developed and honed in the temples and monasteries of China as a method of spiritual focus, energy enhancement and self-defense; it eventually became part of everyday life as a practice mainly focused on health and fitness.

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